Monday, November 22, 2010

Claire Bear

I'm sitting at the kitchen table with Claire Bear and she asked "Can I have some chocolate milk?" and I respond with "Please most wonderful Mommy" and she says "Pwease mowst wundafull Mommy" and my heart melts....even though I asked her to say it. 

She's the loudest, spunkiest, most adaptable kid of ours.  And have I mentioned funny?  And don't forget naughty.  But of course I adore her!  And so do the other girls.  Gigi just thinks she is the silliest, funniest person in the world.  Once I said, when Gigi burst into giggles after Claire walked into the room, "Who needs television when you have a sister named Claire?" and Mick responded with, "Or a three ring circus."  ☺

Here's the solo photos of our little bear that were taken the first of October.  Thank you Laurie at Okidoki Photography!

Hooray for Claire Bear!!!

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