Monday, June 13, 2011

Yochien Lunch Menu

At the beginning of the school year, Ai Sensei asked us at the bus stop if Claire would like to start having Japanese lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays and a sandwich and milk on Fridays. I said yes, but I wanted to hear how she liked it after the first week and then again, to make sure she liked it.

Sensei told me that she ate very well and I asked Claire and she said she liked it. One day she came home and told me, "MOMMY! GUESS WHAT?!?! There was a FISH in my lunch today!" But she didn't seem to mind and I ask her every Monday and Wednesday and she says she likes her lunch.

So spring forward to this month when I notice the menu in her handouts in her backpack

but I couldn't exactly read it.

So I asked Mick to take it to his Saint of a secretary, Miss Nika-san and she translated it for us.
Claire Bear will be the most Japanese of us when we leave here, that's for sure! Speech, experience and expanded taste buds!

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